2021 National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Please join us in honoring Human Trafficking Awareness Month this January. We have resources including posters, social media images, and a Corps engagement resource in English and Spanish that you can use with your corps and community.

We hope you will use January to highlight human trafficking and encourage your community to get more involved in the Fight for Freedom!  You could also plan to screen a documentary or support another local awareness event in your community – there are many ways you can get involved! Please contact us if you would like more resources or support.

We will be posting every day on the SA Justice Facebook page and encourage you to share our posts on your social media pages

We are praying that this month will not only raise awareness but that it will lead to action and advocacy to fight trafficking and serve survivors.


Essential Resources

1. Download the resources for a 3-Tier Anti-Trafficking Engagement List for Corps.

2. Print and post the Awareness Poster around your Corps and community. 

3. Download and post the three social media posts below on your Corps Social Media to raise awareness.

3-Tier Anti-Trafficking Engagement List

Includes various activities to inform and inspire Corps on how to continue the Fight for Freedom

3 Niveles De Lucha Contra La Trata de Personas Lista De Compromiso

Includes various activities to inform and inspire Corps on how to continue the Fight for Freedom

Awareness Poster

Social Media Awareness Campaign

 SA Justice will be posting daily awareness messages on our facebook page: @sajusticeus. Please share to maximize impact.