Fight For Freedom
Human Trafficking
Since the beginning of humanity, people have been bought, sold, and enslaved by other people. But one of the great collective triumphs of our world has been our ability to end slavery. Slaves themselves, along with people of faith, were at the forefront of challenging this evil practice.
“Abolition” leaves no room for compromise. Emancipation set the captives free, right? Well, at least that’s what we like to think. Sure, we’ve heard there are still questionable work conditions in sweatshops on the other side of the world. But buying, selling and trafficking human beings? If that’s happening, it must be far away from us. Actually, no. No matter where we live, modern-day slavery is amongst us. From the girl forced into selling herself at a hotel next to your favorite restaurant to the man discovered in that very restaurant kitchen, stripped of his passport and humanity. A holistic, collaborative, compassionate, grit-filled response is required. Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery—a multi-billion-dollar criminal industry that denies freedom to 49.6 million people around the world.
Here’s the good news: Since its very beginning, God raised The Salvation Army as a global pioneer and leader to fight against human trafficking. Today, just as in 1902 when we invaded the Japanese brothels and helped to free thousands of girls and women, we’re dedicated to fighting this evil by intercepting trafficking networks through strategic interventions and providing safety, justice, and holistic restorative to its survivors.

The Salvation Army USA Anti-Trafficking Programs
The Salvation Army currently operates 40 anti-trafficking programs nationwide offering holistic services to survivors of human trafficking. Using the map below, please click on a city to find out what type of holistic services are offered at a specific program and its contact information. To zoom in on the cities, please double click on the map.
Atlanta, Georgia
Haven Atlanta
(678) 595-6542
Services: Drop-in center
Atlanta, Georgia
USA Southern Territory Headquarters
Sheena Evans
Services: Training and technical assistance
Baltimore, MD
Catherine’s Cottage
(443) 583-5011
(406) 743-5837 (Hotline)
Services: Emergency housing, transitional housing, case management
Bath, Maine
(207) 650-0404
Services: Education, prevention, advocacy, outreach, training, referrals/case management Northern New England
Brooksville, FL
(352) 796-1186
Services: Pastoral counseling, social services, food pantry
Carnegie, PA
L.I.G.H.T. Project (Leading Individuals Gracefully out of Human Trafficking)
(412) 999-1197
Services: comprehensive case management, 24-hour emergency response, transitional housing, relocation assistance, trainings, coalition/capacity building efforts
Chicago, IL
(877) 606-3158 (24-Hr Hotline)
Services: Comprehensive case management, drop-in center, transitional housing, taskforce coordination, 24-hour hotline
Cincinnati, Ohio
Anti-Human Trafficking Program/End Slavery Cincinnati
(513) 800-1863 (Hotline)
(513) 646-0977
Services: 24-hour hotline, crisis response, case management, outreach, groups (psycho-educational/prevention and process), coalition/training, task force response and coordination, specialty docket partners, drop-in center
Cleveland, Ohio
Zelma George Family Shelter Survivors’ Program
(216) 781-3773 ext. 118 or 119
Services: Emergency shelter, case management
Columbus, Ohio
Anti-Human Trafficking Program
(614) 437-2149
Services: 24-hour hotline and emergency response, case management, street outreach, drop-in center, trauma/substance use therapy groups, victim advocacy for anti-trafficking task force, coalition management, public awareness Services: 24 hour hotline, 24 hour emergency response, case management, street outreach, drop in center, trauma/substance use therapy groups, victim advocacy for HT task force, coalition management, public awareness
Dallas, Texas
The Harbor – CPC Dallas Texas
(817) 344-1811
Services: Provides emergency housing, case management, drop-in center
Fort Worth, Texas
Anti-Human Trafficking Services – SIMON and First Choice Program
(817) 344-1811
Services: Transitional and residential services in dual diagnosis and substance abuse treatment programs, comprehensive case management, link to permanent supportive housing on completion of program
Hartford, Connecticut
The Bloom Initiative
(860) 702-0017
Services: Case management, street outreach, drop-in center, training, public awareness
Hilo, Hawaii
Family Intervention Services
(808) 959-5855
Services: Emergency shelter, safe housing for boys and girls, CBR3, outreach and prevention services
Hoffman Estates, IL
Center for Social Justice and Urban Mission | USA Central Territory Headquarters
Elyse Dobney
Services: Training and technical assistance
Honolulu, HI
Family Treatment Services
(808) 739-4945
Services: Residential and outpatient substance use treatment for women with or without children, case management and outreach, supportive housing for women and children in early recovery
Houston, TX
The Salvation Army Family Residence – AHT Collaborative
(713) 650-6530
Services: Emergency shelter, case management, connection to permanent housing
Indianapolis, Indiana
The Salvation Army, Women and Children Center
(317) 637-5551
Services: Emergency shelter, case management, hour to empower, meals, bed nights, outreach, continuing support for residents that have left the shelter, referrals, resources, financial assistance, domestic violence groups, medical
Jamestown, NY
Anew Center
(716) 485-8651
(800) 252-8748
Services: 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter (if domestic violence is present in trafficking case), case management, 24-hour hospital response, financial assistance, legal, medical, agency advocacy and accompaniment, basic care needs, referrals/information
Las Vegas, NV
SEEDS of Hope
(725) 777-1358
Services: Emergency shelter, mental health counseling, victim advocacy, substance abuse treatment, crisis prevention and safety planning, legal referrals, education empowerment, employment assistance, transitional and after care services, trauma informed care, classes, group support
Los Angeles, CA
Bell Shelter Program
(323) 263-1206
Services: Safe housing
Hope Harbor Center
(213) 744-8186
Services: Safe housing
The Way In Program
(323) 469-2946 x 1641
Services: Safe housing
Louisville, KY
Red Shield Emergency Shelters
(502) 235-1912
Services: Emergency housing, case management
Manchester, NH
The Oasis Center – An Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative
(603) 627-7013
Services: Drop-in center, case management, clothing/food/hygiene, computer access, groups (empowerment, therapeutic interventions), job training, advocacy for court
New London, Connecticut
The Bloom Initiative
(860) 702-0017
Services: Case management, outreach, training, public awareness center
New York, NY
P.E.A.R.L. Essence
(212) 337-7303
(332) 215-8653
Services: Awareness, training, external task force collaborations, illicit massage parlor and street outreach, emergency housing with law enforcement
North Carolina
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Durham, Raleigh)
Project FIGHT (Freeing Individuals Gripped by Human Trafficking)
Services: Comprehensive trauma informed case management, emergency shelter, financial assistance, emotional support, personal advocacy/accompaniment, referral
Omaha, Nebraska
The Salvation Army’s Fight to End Trafficking
Dr. Monalisa McGee Baratta
(402) 898-7700
Services: Care management for survivors using the Pathway of Hope philosophy
The Salvation Army, Wellspring
(402) 898-5871
Services: Peer support group, case management, educational groups, and therapy
Orange County, CA
Orange County Anti-Trafficking Services for Women and Men
(562) 999-2248
Services: Crisis response, comprehensive case management, housing assistance, employment services, safe housing for women and men
Palm Beach, FL
Emergency/Transitional Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking
(561) 686-3530
Services: emergency/transitional housing and meals
Philadelphia, PA
The New Day to Stop Trafficking Program
(267) 838-5866 (Hotline)
Services: Mobile case management, task force, court advocacy, drop-in center, transitional housing, police assisted diversion program, outreach, hotline, training
Pittsburgh, PA
L.I.G.H.T. Project (Leading Individuals Gracefully out of Human Trafficking)
(412) 999-1197
Services: Comprehensive case management, 24-hour emergency response, transitional housing, relocation assistance, trainings, coalition/capacity-building efforts
Portland, OR
Multnomah County Shelter Services Salvation Army West Women’s and Children’s Shelter
(503) 731-3900
Services: Temporary housing for women and children, case management and advocacy, meals, clothing, domestic violence classes and groups, transportation, rental assistance
SAFES (Salvation Army Female Emergency Shelter)
(971) 202-5359
Services: Emergency assistance, shelter, meals, case management, transitional housing
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
USA Western Territory Headquarters – SA Justice
Jacqui Larsson
(562) 491-8725
Services: Training, technical assistance, referrals
Roanoke, VA
Turning Point
(540) 345-0400
Services: 24 hour hotline & response, comprehensive trauma-informed care & case management, legal advocacy, emergency housing, community awareness events, DV/SA/AHT groups and counseling
San Diego, CA
Betty’s House with Transitional Living Center
(858) 505-3947
Services: Transitional housing, case management, therapy, chaplaincy, bible study, celebrate recovery
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Puertas Abiertas
(787) 919-0704
Services: Case management and psychological services to victims of crime
(939) 475-1449
Services: Foreign national case management
Saratoga Springs, NY
Fight For Freedom
(518) 742-0272
Services: Case management, therapeutic and support services, outreach, and training
Seattle, WA
Domestic Violence Community Advocacy Program
(206) 442-8397
Services: Rapid re-housing, rental assistance
Southfield, MI
Divisional Headquarters
Services: Resource hub, outside referrals, direct financial assistance
Spokane, WA
Evangeline’s House
(509) 435-9026
Services: Emergency foster care through WA state department of children, youth, and families
Tacoma, WA
Jarvie Memorial Family Lodge
(253) 572-8452 x 117
Services: Emergency short-term housing
Tampa, Florida
(813) 374-3554
(203) 560-5409 (after work hours)
Services: Safe emergency housing & referrals for holistic case management
Union, NJ
Anti-Human Trafficking & Pathway of Hope
(908) 403-5085
Services: Awareness & training, prevention & mobile outreach, coordination of services including rental assistance, feeding, and seasonal assistance requests from external partners, taskforce response and coordination
West Nyack, NY
USA Eastern Territory Headquarters
Arielle Curry
Services: Training and technical assistance
Willimantic, Connecticut
The Bloom Initiative
(860) 702-0017
Services: Case management, outreach, training, public awareness
Wilmington, DE
Restoration Now
(302) 256-1511
Services: Awareness and training, community outreach
Action Plan
Since its very beginning, God raised The Salvation Army as a global pioneer and leader to fight against human trafficking.
Today, just as in 1902 when we invaded the Japanese brothels and help to free thousands of girls and women, we are dedicated to fighting this evil by intercepting trafficking networks through strategic interventions and providing safety, justice, and holistic restorative to its survivors. In 2016, SA Justice launched Fight for Freedom, a 10-year action plan to combat human trafficking. Check here to download the plan! Everyone is welcome — officers, soldiers, employees, volunteers and friends — all are needed in this fight.
Let’s fight for freedom together. Here’s the strategy:

1. Awareness and Trainings
Education is power. To equip and mobilize people to fight against human trafficking will require effective awareness and training. Here’s the hope and dream:
- Creation and implementation of Human Trafficking 101 training for every employee/officer/cadet
- Educate and encourage corps congregations to become fair-trade aware
- Inclusion of human trafficking education training into SA ’Protect the Mission’
- Interactive SA Info Booths available to division for awareness in communities around the territory
- Regular best practices training, tools and resources for those engaged in the fight
- Training trainers to target key places for awareness training:
- Hospitality industry
- Education
- Medical
- Ethnic-based communities
- Divisional, regional and community training days
- ‘We Will Not Be Silent Campaign’ – SA Global Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking
- ‘White Ribbon Campaign’ – SA USW Awareness Against Pornography
3. Survivor Services and Recovery
After escaping from months or years of victimization, survivors of sex and labor trafficking often need a wide array of holistic services that recognize the unique trauma they have experienced. In order to rebuild their lives, survivors may be in immediate need of housing, counseling, medical care, legal advocacy, job training, interpretation, immigration relief, substance abuse recovery, or food and clothing assistance. The Salvation Army has historically provided case management and safe housing. Here’s the hope and dream:
- A safehouse in every state
- Extend and expand existing programs
- Implement specialized best practices trainings for all staff serving survivors
- Create economic empowerment program
2. Prevention and Outreach
Are there strategic ways to prevent human trafficking? We believe so. An effective way to find out is through outreach to vulnerable groups and intentional prevention strategies emerge. We believe The Salvation Army is well suited to do this work. Here’s the hope and dream:
- Integrating anti-trafficking awareness & tools in SA programs & corps serving vulnerable people groups
- SA Support Teams – A coordinated outreach to brothels/massage parlors in each division
- BRAVE curriculum and campaign focused on empowering foster girls
- Specific training for ethnic-based communities using primary language of community
- Training our current outreach workers in the facts and options for trafficking victims (migrant workers and farm communities where labor trafficking is a growing concern) will make them effective in the fight against trafficking
- Support booths at sex shows
- Outreach to sex industry and street sex exploitation
- Increase partnership with host countries in our partners in mission program
4. Partnership and Advocacy
The Salvation Army can’t do it alone. Partnering & collaborating will be essential to making any real impact in our anti-trafficking efforts. Here’s the hope and dream:
- Establishing SA internal networking and partnerships
- Participation & leadership in local anti-trafficking task forces
- Intentional partnering with churches on local initiatives
- Partnering with The Justice Conference
- Creating service opportunities for volunteers
- Creating a legal team/office for trafficking expertise
- Liaising government relations employee re: government advocacy where strategic
- SavN/New Frontier investigative justice solutions series