We believe that:
- Justice is intrinsic to God’s being and action
- Justice underlies the need of humans to be saved from pain, grief and oppression, and provides the means to be redeemed to a life of integrity through Jesus
- Justice is seen most clearly in Jesus
- Social justice is the presence of justice in all aspects of human life
- The prophets of the Bible called people to ‘do justice, love kindness and walk humbly before God’ Micah 6:8
- The basis of social justice is a correct and compassionate use of power in our relationships with others and creation; a use that reflects God’s purposes for humanity
- The Bible shows that when power is imbalanced, God sides with the poor and the weak –the pursuit of justice is God’s way of correcting, restoring and distributing resources
- The prophets call rulers to account for failing to ‘seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow’ – God alone will judge those who oppress others
- The Salvation Army has historically revealed and acted on an acute social conscience, by being active in social, economic and political spheres
- The Salvation Army’s International Social Justice Commission has a mandate to be a global voice for justice www.salvationarmy.org/isjc