Justice Gifts

Christmas is coming…Are you ready???! If you’re not, or if you’re looking for that special, one-of-a-kind gift, or you want to provide two gifts by making just one purchase, Justice Gifts is your answer! Click on the Learn More button below and you’ll be on your way to celebrating our Lord’s birth and sharing His love!!! – Merry Christmas and God bless You!

Hidden in Plain Sight – Please Help Them

Human Trafficking is all around us.  This fastest-growing crime is fueled by many challenges: family break-down, pornography, poverty, entertainment culture, and more.  Our ignorance also plays a part for its continuing growth. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing the problem. To report any suspicious Human Trafficking behavior, please contact the National Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888.

Because justice is love in public, we fight for freedom with love.

Read our 2021 National Anti-Trafficking Impact Report here!
Use our resources and opportunities to get trained to fight injustice.
Access our Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking resources, and engage in the spiritual fight against oppression.

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God’s Love for Everyone

[DISCLAIMER: These blog posts do not necessarily reflect The Salvation Army. Opinions and thoughts do not reflect all Salvationists.] "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does...

Creation Care… a Gospel Issue

[DISCLAIMER: These blog posts do not necessarily reflect The Salvation Army. Opinions and thoughts do not reflect all Salvationists.] A Salvationist’s theology of creation care is like a three-legged stool. The legs representing our relationship with God, with each...

BRINGING HOPE to Modern Slaves

On behalf of the 2018 Annual Day of Prayer for Human Trafficking Victims approaching us, we are republishing articles of the Revive Magazine July-September 2018 publication with the theme: Restore Broken Dreams: Facing up to the global challenges of modern slavery....