Interview with Shea Rhodes on FOSTA/SESTA

Interview with Shea Rhodes on FOSTA/SESTA

The following is an interview done by The Southern Territory, Territorial Services Coordinator against Human and Sex Trafficking, Hillary DeJarnett, and The Eastern Territorial Anti Human Trafficking Specialist, Jamie Manirakiza. After attending the National Center on...
When is a foreigner no longer a foreigner?

When is a foreigner no longer a foreigner?

5 “At that time I will put you on trial. I am eager to witness against all sorcerers and adulterers and liars. I will speak against those who cheat employees of their wages, who oppress widows and orphans, or who deprive the foreigners living among you of justice, for...
A prayer by a weary servant…

A prayer by a weary servant…

I‘m sorry I just can’t. Not any more. I can’t keep trying. I can’t keep fighting. I don’t have the strength. I wish I was capable of more, but I just don’t have anything left to give. I wish I could be strong like you, but I’m...
Responding to the global migration crisis

Responding to the global migration crisis

The Salvation Army sits on the Committee for Migration, a committee aimed to encourage the protection and promotion of migrants’ human rights in accordance with the United Nations Charter. This goes along with our Salvation Army Mission Statement, which promotes the...
All lives matter, when black lives matter

All lives matter, when black lives matter

All lives matter, when black lives matter. When I sat down to write this, I thought to myself “I want to write about racism”. Instantly my next thought was “but I’m ‘white’, I can’t write about that”. And that is why I decided to write about it. Therein lies the...
Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor?

The kids were so excited to start programs back up in September.  On the first day of pick-ups, my husband and I both laughed when the adorable 7-year-old boy’s face appeared in the window.  I hadn’t seen him all summer, and he was so excited to be back at the...